Verified that the files were gone from the Plug-ins folder. Repaired Sketchup 2020, reinstalled Enscape For Sketchup, then uninstalled extensions through Extention Manager > Manage. When loading Sketchup, got the Load Error on the DEFAULT EXTENSIONS. Uninstalled and reinstalled as administrator for Enscape…(that does not show load errors). Just started getting the Load Error on SU2020 after a botched install of Enscape For Sketchup. When SketchUp opens, there is an Load Error for the 4 default extensions of Advanced Camera Tools, Dynamic Components, Sandbox Tools AND Trimble Connect. This log file will list all the DLLs loaded by SketchUp. Send me the sketchup-dlls.log file to me. Listdlls.exe sketchup.exe > sketchup-dlls.logħ.

Enter this command into the command line window:.

Change directory to where you extracted ListsDLLs.Launch a Command Line window (Win+R, then cmd).(Lets say into your downloads folder, something like C:\Users\\Downloads\ListDlls) Unpack that zip file somewhere on your system.Download ListDLLs utility: ListDLLs - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs.

Generate a report of loaded DLLs by SketchUp: