including complete documentation of model theory and validation, an on-line electronic help system. extensively validated and verified models used in Phast Worldwide technical support and training. LinkedIn .Phast Lite - An entry level hazard analysis tool - DNV GLPhast Lite software for hazard risk analysis in the process industry.thermal radiation, toxic effects and explosion on a local map Detailed documentation. release to far-field dispersion Worldwide technical support and training for improved consequence analysis. It also introduces methods of manual.Phast Lite - Consequence analysis software - DNV GLPhast Lite is a user-friendly and powerful consequence analysis software tool with extensive. all areas of consequence modelling within the software, including. TRAINING CATALOGUE - DNV GL02 PHAST, SAFETI AND KFX Training catalogue. Phast, Safeti and KFX Training Catalogue. LEARNING OBJECTIVES.Phast and Safeti training - DNV GLPhast and Safeti software training for QRA analysis. PHAST TRAINING - DNV GLYou will be required to practice and apply your new knowledge of the software through extensive hands-on workshops.